For anyone who doesn't recognicse the name, Tachov is west of Plzen near the German border. Three quarters of the old walls are preserved, there's a chateau, a fairly impressive church and the museum of the Bohemian Forest is very good ... Prague accommodation ? Best of the Czech Republic: Outside Prague. Hotels, Restaurants, accommodation and local ? Poets Corner Hostel in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Moravia's best hostel in Moravia's best city ? Best prices on Czech hotels ...
Adresa pracoviště: HOTEL,CAFÉ RESTAURANT MERICA, náměstí Republiky 670, 348 02 Bor u TachovaÚvazek: Plný. Pracovní náplň: kuchař, Turnusové služby, Bor,praxe,více informací po tel.,. Vzdělání: Střední odborné (vyučen)